Hydrangea Meaning

Hydrangea Meaning

The hydrangea has very fragile petals. It comes in light, bright colors such as white, blue, pale pink, and violet.

Image other flowers

Hydrangea  are usually blooming from May to the end of the year, with light, bright colors such as white, blue, pale pink, violet. What’s special about the hydrangea is that the color it will develop depends on the pH of the soil where it grows. By a pH of 7, the plants will produce a milky white color. By a pH greater than 7, the plants become a pink or purple color by a pH smaller than 7, the plant will produce a blue flower. 

The hydrangea has different meanings in different part of the world during history, each stemming from different cultural beliefs and stories. For example, to the Japanese the hydrangea is associated with apology, while Victorians consider hydrangea a negative plant and used it to represent bragging or vanity.  You can say that…

  • Blue hydrangeas symbolize frigidity and apology
  • White hydrangeas symbolize boasting or bragging
  • Pink hydrangeas symbolize heartfelt emotion
  • Purple hydrangeas symbolize a desire to deeply understand someone
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